A RINO and CCP agent who makes you believe he's looking out for you. It's time to get even with Steven!
Real Criminal
Watch one of Steve Chan's volunteers knock over the opponent's sign during a rally. The same voluteer, dresseed in a white hoodie, was seen ripping off the opponent's signs from the window. The video recorder asked why is she ripping the signs off.
Steven even has the audacity to say his opponent vandalized his signs. Meanwhile his volunteers are destroying his opponent's signs, making him a horrible hypcrite and a CCP crminal. Below is the Chinese version of the video.
CCP Connection
Republican candidate Steve Chan was attending a Pro CCP meeting on Oct 13th. Without John Chan's invitation, a well know CCP Master in Brooklyn, it is impossible to go. First picture shows the CCP Committee. Second pictures shows John Chan attending a CCP meeting in the mainland.
Steven Chan then rebutted with a false statement that veterans cannot work for the CCP. Yet there is a real life example from our neighborhood: Lester Chang. Lester is performing the exact same functions as Linda Sun who just got arrested:
1.Arranging for U.S. officials to meet with Chinese officials.
2.Helping CCP-approved candidates get elected.
3.Maintaining communication with Chinese consuls.
4.Supporting migrants.
5.Opposing Trump and fracturing the Republican Party.
Here are pictures showing that Lester brought the entire Republican assembly back to China last year. The trip was funded by CCP, and none of the gifts or trip expenses were reported in Lester’s expenditure or gift report.
RINO with Vito Labella
Vito Labella is a well known RINO - Republican in name only - in our neighborood. Steve Chan is seen hanging out with Vito and standing next to him at a parade. RINOs tend to hang out with other RINOs.
Homeless Shelter
A letter was written to implore Mayor Adams to stop building a homeless shelter on 86th street. Steve Chan was seen commenting that he did not want his name on the list.
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